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Troy's 4 exits of companies founded (TradeWind Energy, founded 1996, rebranded 2002) worth >$1 Billion: $35 Billion of wind & solar farms built, #1 USA Wind Developer 2017.


2009: Pristine Sun Corp (> 350 solar farms & C&I projects built or sold ( 2 GW+)


  2016: EarthGrid PBC, which will have the biggest impact of any of his companies on climate change & stimulating the economy.

Troy has been invited to compete on the NBC hit TV show American Ninja Warrior 4x in a row: Seasons 10-13, 2018-2021 (S11 lottery). Despite being in his 50s, Troy competes - not in the Masters (over 40) Division - in the Pro Elite division against much younger athletes...and regularly qualifies for Regionals & World Championships as a top 1-3% of Pro athletes.

Troy has >40 patent claims (LinkedIn for details), is the author of the 2005 book The Clean Power Revolution & 100s of articles published since 1998, has been a public speaker (keynote & panelist) at 100s of conferences, and has been driving electric vehicles (EVs) since 2012.


Troy Helming is a modern-day industrialist & clean energy executive & Board director. 

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NutriChef Double Induction Stove



Read my blog, shop my store for anti-aging & wellness products to keep you in top health & physical condition, book a consultation with me for advice on your business ideas, book me for an inspirational virtual or in-person speaking engagement.

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Troy's BIO:

Troy Helming is a Unicorn Founder (with 6 company exits) and a modern-day industrialist.   He’s an inventor (60+ patent claims), an elite athlete, an author (1 book + 100s of articles), and a clean energy executive. He’s founded companies that have generated more than $30 Billion of economic impact, and he serves on numerous boards. He's a longtime wellness practitioner & yogi.


More background:


He's a former runway model, former gymnast & national champion (1990) and 2-time All-American male cheerleader, and an American Ninja Warrior. Troy was invited to compete on the hit NBC show in Seasons 10 & 12, was ranked #8 in the world in the Over-40 category in 2018, and then began winning competitions in the “Masters” division.


He now competes – not in the Master’s Division – but as a Pro alongside much younger competitors and regularly places in the top 10% of most competitions, occasionally making the podium (top 3).  Troy’s been the founder & CEO of two impactful clean energy companies: TradeWind Energy, which he founded in 1998 & sold in 2004 (>$8 Billion of wind projects were built by the company he founded since then, and was the #1 Wind Developer in the USA in 2017) and then Pristine Sun: >350 solar projects built so far totaling $500 Million in market value (including projects sold to other companies such as Renesola (NYSE: SOL) & Enerparc) and many high profile projects including the largest floating solar project award in North America & the largest community solar projects in both Vermont and Wisconsin.  He’s the author of the 2005 book The Clean Power Revolution, co-inventor of FloatoRack (an innovative floating solar system with multiple patents pending) and inventor of the Red Gopher (a world-changing technology in stealth mode also with patents pending).  


Troy has been driving an electric car since 2012, alternative cars since 2004 (biodiesel & CNG) as an early adopter, and was the 1st customer of the world’s fastest production motorcycle, the all-electric Lightning LS-218.  Troy is a yogi, rock climber, and family man: he’s married to Alysia Helming, author of the best-selling young adult novel Protogenesis and creator of a TV series in development & co-writer of a movie script in development. They have one son and live in the San Francisco Bay area.


I get excited about people & companies that can help accelerate the Clean Power Revolution (Kindle version; Print version). Since I "wrote the book" on the topic back in 2004, I've been pleased to see steady progress. 


But it's not happening fast enough, so I like to spend my time with people & organizations that focus on taking immediate & massive action to transform the economy to advanced energy & the infrastructure to support it. 


We're in the midst of the largest shift of wealth the world has ever seen - away from fossil fuel companies towards clean energy & Infrastructure 2.0 that supports clean, lower-cost, sustainable energy, transportation & communication. 


Troy's Specific goals:


  1. Get the USA (and other nations) to 90% clean energy by 2035.

  2. Upgrade the creaky, inadequate Electric Grid in North America.

  3. Transition to Infrastructure 2.0 worldwide, sustainably.



To do this, I will surround myself with people & organizations that share my vision for the world. And I will put my passion, creativity & energy into advancing these goals to make the world a better place for my son and our younger generations.


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